Kasam 13th March 2017 – Full Episode - Parajuli
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    Monday, March 13, 2017

    Kasam 13th March 2017 – Full Episode

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    Kasam 13th March 2017 Written update 

    Tanuja (Kratika Sengar) tells Rishi (Ssharad Malhotra) that he is the MD in her office and doesn’t want him to fall sick. Rishi looks at her and tries to say something but sneezes. He then asks her if she doesn’t love him and if she did everything just for him. When she doesn’t answer, he says that he will stop caring for her and fall out of love. She tells him that she is glad he understood. When he goes to the bathroom, Tanuja feels bad about treating him so bad. In the morning, Tanuja is instructing John to add certain ingredients. Raaj walks in asking about their deal but she refuses to listen since John is also in the room.

    Raaj throws John out of the kitchen and Tanuja immediately apologises for her behaviour. He tells her that she is acing perfectly well. They discuss how important it is to find out which family member is involved with Purab. Raaj laughs when Tanuja says that she wants Netra away from Rishi. They laugh with each other. Purab is walking restlessly in his room and insults his servant. Malaika walks in and taunts him for not being able to get the property. 

    Purab and Malaika start fighting but stop when the lawyer comes inside. He says that nothing can be done now. Rano sees John eating an apple and scolds him for not making breakfast. John tells Rano that Raaj threw him out of the kitchen. Rano storms into the kitchen and Tanuja tells him how it’s affecting Rishi. She then tells him that she is making a bitter medicine for him. Just then, Raaj sees Rano come in the kitchen and starts scolding her. Tanuja gets the cue and gives it back to him.

    Rano is shocked to see Tanuja’s changed behaviour, especially when Tanuja says that she can throw him out of the house. Rano comes inside and she calls her an old woman. Raaj laughs sneakily as Rano looks at Tanuja in shock. Raaj and Rano slap John for no reason. Rishi sees Manpreet asleep on the terrace and sneezes. Manpreet wakes up scared that it’s Ahana. They have a debate about their wives and start boasting when John walks in. They ask him to get tea and get on with their conversation.

    Rishi gives Manpreet tips on how to control your wife when Tanuja and Ahana overhear. They turn to see their wives standing right there and get startled.

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