Is Shahid-Mira EXPECTING A Second Kid???? - Parajuli
  • Breaking News

    Thursday, February 9, 2017

    Is Shahid-Mira EXPECTING A Second Kid????

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    Yesterday, Shahid finally graced his fans with a clear picture of his WORLD Misha cuddling into the arms of her beautiful mother Mira. #SuperAdorable

    Recently, Shahid confessed candidly about his and Mira’s life choices, and said how they think of going THE-NEXT-LEVEL on parenthood!

    He confessed how his early fatherhood is a bliss, and what the wifey thinks about extending their family! Read:

    It wasn’t planned actually, but i think we were ready for it. I was impatient to get married and have a family. My job is a lonely one i was lonely for three or four years.

    He also revealed his idea about second child:

    Mira, who is just 22, would prefer to have a second kid soon as well. She wants to flip the norm, get the kids to a certain age and then be free to do what she likes.

    Hmm, Not a bad idea Mr. Kapoor!

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