Arshad Warsi’s UNPREDICTABLE REVIEW On Jolly LLB2 - Parajuli
  • Breaking News

    Friday, February 10, 2017

    Arshad Warsi’s UNPREDICTABLE REVIEW On Jolly LLB2

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    Arshad Warsi being the Jolly in Jolly LLB is not at all disappointed by being replaced with Akshay Kumar in Jolly LLB2.

    When the media asked him about being replaced he contradict his previous statement and said:

    No, I was not upset. I would not have been here if it was true. 

    Arshad Warsi attended a special screening on Thursday he seems very happy, he stated:

    I knew the story but it was really fun to watch the film. I liked all the trauma and hassles in the film. The whole thing about a bad lawyer becoming a good lawyer was interesting. Akshay works 10 times better than me,

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